So I'm back at it, and it's time to put the nose back to the grindstone. I'll be blogging weekly again, or at least biweekly, putting out content to inform you guys. However, I think you'll find that I'll be shifting the topic a bit. The first half of the year I focused pretty intently on the art of fiction writing and story development, as well as critiquing of pieces that apply these ideas.
This time around, I'll be doing more of what I said I would be in my About page. That means I'm giving fiction writing the cold shoulder and moving to, well, movies. Along with that, I'll probably add some pieces here and there about other writing/entertainment things, such as poetry, games, and essays.
The ideas on writing and fiction will probably pop up every now and again still, I just wouldn't be expecting them nearly as much. So! What does this switch mean? Well, you can start expecting more content/posts then last year, possibly longer posts, and a wider variety of ideas! Fun for the whole family, right?
One other thing I think I'll add, I'll probably start showing more of my own work, and not just short snippets like my old writings, but full pieces, especially when it comes to poetry. I'm hoping it'll be a nice way to spice things up for me, make it more entertaining for you, and make both all of you and me better at what we do, write!
That's all I have for now folks, but until next time, keep calm and write on. Peace.
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