Monday, March 28, 2016

My new story P.1

This sucker is a long one guys, roughly about two thousand words in length, a good portion of that just being straight dialogue. I'm still going through revisions at the moment, so I'm gonna give you the raw first draft (which, not to brag, is still not bad. I can put out some decent first drafts) and see what you think. It's called 'The Grave Robber,' enjoy!

“So,” said Dave, “How do ya know Tim?”
                “We met,” said Alec. Dave looked at him with a raised brow. After a moment of silence he looked back at the road, shifting his grip to the left hand and settling his right on the clutch.
                “That’s a little vague, don’t ya think?”
                Alec only shrugged, still keeping his eyes straight forward.
                “Well, how’d ya meet him?” Dave asked.
                “It was… well… it was on the job.”
                “Oh! Well that’s an interestin’ way to meet someone!” Dave laughed a little, something that sounded more like a mix between panting and a grunt. “Y’all share a grave or somethin’?”
                Alec nodded silently, beginning to fiddle with his satchel.
                “Get much?”
                “Yes,” Alec said, turning. His eyes were a soft golden brown, like melted butter. The eye contact was short, but strong. It was almost startling; the weight that his gaze held and the intelligence that it carried.
                “Couple hundred for both of us,” Alec said, turning back towards the passenger seat window.
                “Not too shabby, kid!”
                Another uninterested shrug.
                “So how many times have ya been out?” Dave asked.
                “Not much.”
                “Nervous any?” Alec stayed quiet, but as Dave glanced over he saw that he’d began shivering. Dave gave another signature grunt-laugh.
                “I’ll take that as a yes! No worries though, I’ve been going out ever since I was a teen. Never had trouble, not even a pinch.” He paused, getting no response from Alec except the same old fidgeting and silence.
                “Ya know a lot of people are really scared about stupid things like zombies or ghosts, but I’ve never had anythin’ bother me in all my years! Hell, this whole disappearin’ story doesn’t even bother me. We’re two men, I think if someone tried messin’ with us, we could handle ourselves, eh?”
                “Yes, ya, I’m sure we could,” Alec said, taking a slow, shaky breath.
                “Well, speak a’the devil,” Dave said, pulling into the dark parking lot. “St. Ricord’s Cemetery and Crematorium.” Dave parked the old pickup, the engine shuttering with a sound like mechanical cicadas.  
                “You got the map, bud?”
                “The map, Alec, do ya have it? This ain’t no small grave yard, ya know!”
                “Oh! Uh, one sec.” Alec opened up his bag, shuffling through a clearly unorganized pile of papers and gadgets. He pulled out a phone, an old leather wallet, a dirty BIC lighter, and a pack of cigs, muttering things under his breath.
                “Well? We don’t have all night bud, ya got it or no?”
                “Here!” Alec said, flourishing a well folded piece of paper. He quickly unfolded it, floundering with his shaky hands.
                “Where we headin’?” Dave asked. Alec squinted at the paper, pointing his finger here and there. A full minute passed before Alec looked back up.
                “Oh,” he said quietly.
                “Uh, here. You see.” Alec handed over the map to Dave. The thing was big, with scrawling in blue ink and small font all over. Clearly titled at the top of the sheet, it said ‘Glade City Cemetery.’
                “Ah, I gotcha. You’re just a dumbass.”

                “Pretty much.” 

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