Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sharing is Caring

Yo, so man its been awhile since I've blogged. However, I have been pretty dang busy since my last blogs. Besides the usual school stuff that is. I've started putting my nose to the grindstone and pumping out some creative writing, one short story and a bit of poetry here and there, so I thought a good way to get back into the swing of things would be to share with y'all a bit of my poetry that I've been working on. I hope you guys enjoy them, if not then feel free to tell me why! Next post will be me sharing my newest short story and seeing what you guys think of that, so until then, peace.


Moonlight Garden
The bell-petaled flowers
Were light purple,
Shaded plum under the meadows darkness.

The wind, cold Canadian wind,
Made them move and mutter,
To the tune of trembling violin strings.

His hands played like a spider
Bustling about its web,
Each intricate strand entrancing the shadows.

The air was full of sound,
High, ascending melodies,
Remote, to full for drab roars and patters

As the world turned orange
The song dissipated
Into stillness, rays shining on the grass.

The sun now a cherry
On the shores of Lake Superior.


Shining, it hangs in the air with your frosted breath and joyous thoughts,
A frozen angel: pure; delicate; and natural, a wonder to behold.
Its smooth, hilled surface distorting the world around us.
Oblivious, we walk underneath, without a thought
Of what bliss and beauty is above our head.
Until droplets begin to fall to earth
And the air fills with crackles.
Then, we begin to notice,
As it all comes down,
And before we
Know it, it

Then we see a warped weapon of nature,
Dangerous and sharp, cold to touch,
Leaving only shards in its wake.
Yet sunshine comes again
And melts it all away.
As warmth comes
Left in the wake
Is only a mere


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