So before I get into my review streak, I thought I'd first begin by talking a little about my favorite genre and what I'll be talking about and reviewing the most; horror.
Why does horror appeal to me so much? Well, I just love the thrill of it, really. I find it really exciting and interesting as well as blood pumping. No other type of movie really gets you on the edge of your seat with your adrenaline pumping quite like a good horror movie does. Plus, if they're ever bad, you can just chill out laugh at all the cheesy jump scares!
What the definition of a good horror movie? In my opinion I'd say a good horror movie has to have a couple characteristics.
First, it has to at least try to pertain to the normal qualifications of normal movies, which I've talked about before. To recap, that'd be stuff like having a good plot, good characters and character development, etc. Although I do have to recognize that the point of horror movies isn't always to provide these things. That's something I know, which is why I may not always say a good horror flick is a good movie.
That, however, is the second main point, and something that pertains to only horror movies, is how good the scares are. This can be separated into two qualities however, suspense and jump scares.
Suspense, considered a more classical way of achieving a good horror movie, is the build up leading to a major reveal or event. Suspense is the stuff that'll make your hair stand up on your neck and have you cuddled up under a blanket wondering, or better yet, fearing what will happen next. This is personally what I love about horror movies and what effects me the most, as compared to jump scares.
Jump scares have become more popular is more modern horror movies. These are the types of things that make you pee your pants in fear and jump under the covers. These can be super fun to have in horror movies, but at the same time are often frowned upon merely because they are more often then not abused in today's movies. They have a tendency to throw them in all over the place, hoping to scare the watcher silly with no actual plot, relation, or suspense. Granted, these movies can be fun as hell if your just watching them casually and not actually paying attention to the plot anyway.
I know horror movies aren't everyone's cup of tea, and I don't plan to focus on them exclusively by any means, however I do plan on talking about at least a few of them sometime in the future, so I thought it'd be nice to establish some things about it first. Until next time guys, peace.
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