It was coming in for the kill. Suddenly everyone burst out
of the kitchen, the whole group, just like that Jason hefted me up off of the
floor, getting me back on my feet.
“MOVE!” I limped, looking behind me
though, I watched as the the creature now came barreling down the stairs,
overtaking Aunt Jean. We were heading for the basement, why the basement? The
creature leaped from Jean to Riley, slashing her back as she fell. We were on
the stairs now, heading down. My mom was behind me, but the door slammed shut
on her. And all I heard was sad screaming and wailing that went silent quickly.
“Mom!” I screamed. This was all
going to quickly, what was going on? Haley struggled to to get me down the
stairs. I was blocking the way for her and Jack, but I had to get my mom, save
her. No, I had to save Haley and Jack now. Grimly I continued down the stairs,
as fast as my bruised body would let me. I could see Jason already down there,
waiting for us.
“Come on Cam! Hurry!” He shouted. I
hustled down, grabbing Haley's hand who grabbed Jacks in response. We were
going down the long, single hallway now. Not two feet down the beast, no the
demon, exploded from one door, tackling Jason into the room across from it. I
heard him fighting, but there was no time. I had to save Jack and Haley. We
were almost there, a mere few feet from the door at the end of the hallway, the
room full of safes. Suddenly I felt Haley tug my hand, I turned back to see
Jack had fallen, the demon on top of him, tearing him to pieces. No time, I had
to save Haley.
I hurled her into the room, closing
the door behind me and turning the little lock on the handle. Everyone dead,
how had that all happened, all so quickly. But I still had Haley at least, she
sat on the floor with ragged breath and a complete look of shock. Exhausted, I
sat down next to her. It was complete silence now, utter silence. I leaned my
head back against one of the safes, I was so tired now, so beat up. I was
broken, bleeding, and scarred. There was no escape, no way to stay alive.
I put my arm around Haley, who was
crying horribly now. Even if we would die soon, I would try to make the most of
these few moments...
It took a few minutes, but she did
stop. She stared at the door, her face had streaks of blood, probably Jack's.
She probably felt as I did, just numb, to numb to be scared anymore. It felt
good honestly, not being scared anymore. Instead I softly held her hand.
“I'm sorry.”
“None of this is your fault, Cam,”
she said kindly.
“I mean for never coming out to
you, never opening up to you.”
“It doesn't matter any more.”
“Well it did,” I explained, “And
I'm sorry.” Haley turned, facing me, and leaned forward giving me a hug. I
wrapped my arms around her in return. At least we had each other for now. She
came face to face now, smiling at me. I smiled back, stroking her cheek and
pushing the stray hairs back behind her ear. Something caught my eye behind her
though. There it sat, right in the corner, almost passing as a statue. It had
dark gray skin with its muscular but skinny figure. Its face would be a mans,
if not for the strange snout and razor filled smile. It gave me an amused look,
like this was all fun and games for it.
Haley saw my face, knowing what was
coming. She hugged me tightly, not letting go, and I gripped her tightly.
Almost nonchalantly the demon walked forward, knowing it was victorious. I
closed my eyes as I felt Haley pulled out of my grip. I wouldn't look, but I
could hear the thing going to work. It tore her apart, slowly, as if relishing
my pain. I knew what it was now, or somewhat. As soon as I saw it crouching in
the corner I saw the obvious resemblance. I felt the beast pick me up by my
throat. Yes I knew, it was plain as day now. The markings were the exact shape
of it. I pulled it out from under my shirt feeling its shape, rolling it around
in my palm. The beast ripped into me now. I was to numb to feel though, and I
was dying anyway. The creature itself was a living depiction of the little
thing in my hand. That must have been grandfather's hand I found wedged in the
safe earlier, he had been trying to lock up the necklace. Trying to make sure
this beast didn't kill anyone else. Who knew such evil could lie in a little
pendant, in such an insignificant thing, in just a single talisman.
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