In the other end my aunts and
mother sat in the old chairs, chatting about marriage and kids and things to
come. Then in the middle the cousins and other kids had congregated around the
large fire place, and were much quieter since most of them were still small and
shy. I was just making my way over to my mom when someone ran up to me, giving
me a fierce hug. I laughed as I saw Haley's gleaming face looking up at me.
“Hey, what are you doing here,” I
asked, still lightly laughing.
“I guess your mom was inviting some
family friends and we made the cut.”
“I'm glad! Now I won’t be close to
as bored as I normally would be,” I exclaimed. She giggled, her red brown hair
gleaming in the light of the fire. Even though she was my age, fifteen, she was
a good two or three inches shorter than I was. She was fit to, but not exactly
skinny, like most of the stick like girls I knew.
“You got to see the basement of
this place! It’s filled with all this awesome stuff!”
“Of course, but maybe later Cam, I
think we're gonna eat soon,” she said, releasing me from her grip. As if on
cue, my uncle Eric came out, announcing that he had finished making dinner.
I ended up sitting between my mom
and my Uncle Ray, he was the oldest of my uncles, and ever since he had been
widowed he had been surprisingly quite. He now had a wild mop of black hair as
well as a leather jacket that smelled profusely like smoke. Although now he
seemed quiet and slightly depressed, he was still a great person, and one of
the few I went to for advice. My mom was totally opposite though, despite them
being siblings, she was exciting and loud, and would often occupy herself with
adrenaline pumping activities. She laughed and talked loudly with her sisters,
almost ignoring the amazing meal Eric had cooked. It was fortunate Eric had the
guts and energy to go into the entrepreneur business, starting a high end
catering company. Now a days it seemed his goal was to make his whole family
fat on his cooking.
Across the table from me sat Jason,
Ray's son. He was also on the quiet side but was still an active eighteen year old
teen. He talked under his breath to the girl sitting next to him, his
girlfriend, Riley. I silently watched their conversation, he would say
something in between bites and she would usually respond by laughing to herself
or blushing, or occasionally make a remark back to him. She was pretty nice
from what I knew of her, which wasn't much really, considering she usually kept
to herself.
I got tired of their little back
and forth talk and threw a glance farther down the table. Haley was sitting on
the end of the table, next to her mom who sat at the head of the table. It was
strange how their one family seemed to just blend into ours, despite not being
blood related. Between our mom’s great friendship and me and Haley's...
relationship, they were magically fused into our family. Suddenly Haley caught
my eye, smiling shyly. I looked down, blushing, as I realized I had zoned out
staring at her. I tried looking around the rest of the table, taking a silent
role call to occupy myself. First were the group of sisters and sisters in law,
my mom, Aunt Jean, Aunt May, and Aunt Amelia. Then myself, Ray, James, and
Riley. Next was Uncle Charles and Uncle Will, sitting next to Haley's older
brother, who was practically my brother, Brandith, followed by Haley and her mom.
A few feet away was a smaller table, occupied by all the smaller cousins, all
of which were between five and nine.
So here we all sat, in the cozy dining
hall of the big cabin, enjoying each other and socializing under the light of
the huge chandelier above. Well, wait, we were missing someone, who? I did a
double take, looking around the table. It was Eric who was still missing. I
dismissed it though, he was probably still in the kitchen, cleaning or
whatever. Suddenly it felt cold, a searing cold on my chest, right where the
pedant hung. I clutched it, pulling it off my sternum as quickly as possible. I
looked around, seeing if anyone had noticed. James gave me a quick glance, but
then continued talking to Riley, but I found Haley giving me a quizzical look.
I ignored it, trying to look like nothing had happened. As I let the talisman
fall back against my chest it only felt cool, not the burning cold it had been
a moment ago. How strange...
As the evening continued, it wasn't
until six or so that the others noticed Eric's absence. We knew that Eric would
be punctual in serving desert as soon as everyone was done, but we had sat for
ten minutes waiting for him to come out with no results. A strange silence
finally settled over the group when May, Eric's wife, stood, announcing that
she was going to go look for Eric. I stood to, ready to get up and do something
and escape the boredom of silence. The kitchen was just in the next room over,
through a set of swinging doors.
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