“I hate to say it Cam, but I say we
go back up there to,” he agreed solemnly. I rose now, angered by there
stubbornness, why didn't they listen?
“No, don't you see! That's exactly
what,” I stumbled at a loss of words, “That's what IT wants!”
“What do you mean it,” Will asked
suspiciously. I looked at Jason for support, but he didn't say anything. I
“We saw what was doing all this,” I
explained. “We all did.” He looked at all of us skeptically, and Jason nodded
insurance. Will continued to ask about what we saw, but no matter how much we
described and, including Jack's narrative, he didn't quite believe us. He would
just shake his head and say none of what we said was possible. My only response
was that no explanation for all this would be possible, which he reluctantly
accepted. After much discussion we made our way back to the table, making our
decision. Myself, Jason, Will, and Brandith, would make our way upstairs and
check for reassurance. The rest would stay down stairs, and stay where they
were. Everybody was hesitant, but we knew it was the right thing to do. So we
quickly passed through the living room and made our way upstairs.
As we checked the first room, were Brandith had lost his
mom, Will suddenly perked up, talking about old memories.
“You know, your grandfather used to invite me and your mom
and the rest up here to ski every year,” he laughed to himself, “ it was always
a blast.” He ran his hand against the comforter of the small bed. “This was my
room...” he said, trailing off into remembrance of better times.
“That must be why it always smelled so bad in here,” Jason
said with a grin. Will returned the smile.
“This must be your room now then,” said Will.
“Ya, or it was at least.” They continued to reminisce while
me and Brandith talked by the door, him in the doorway, me leaning against the
“We really should keep going,” he suggested nervously.
“I know, but let them talk, Will seems to be shaking off his
“The others will be worried if we stay to long.”
“It won't take that long.”
“Haley will be worried.” I paused, he knew that hit hard.
Brandith knew best of all my feelings for her.
“You know you have my permission,” he continued, “she feels
the same way you know, just got to be the first to break the ice.”
“One thing at a time dude,” I replied, “we got to get out of
here before I start thinking about that.” I watched as Jason and Will talked
about nice, pleasant things, then turned back to Brandith. Where was he?
Yelling erupted from outside the room, and as quick as I could I ran out of the
room, seeing Brandith's face right as he was pulled into the room Ray had been
lured into. With Will and Jason behind me I charged forward, throwing caution
to the wind. The room was dark, but through the darkness I could see Brandith
sitting in the corner, bleeding horribly from the neck. Of course, the mark lay
on his forehead, but he was still alive! I made my way to him, but the look in
his eye stopped me. I could see he was about to die, but just as the last
strength was leaving his body, he let one last word slip between his lips.
“Up.” I looked right above him, where the two walls met with
the ceiling. I looked with dismay, I could see... it, the creature. It was
perched up there like a giant black bird with its demonic eyes and deadly smile.
I could see now it had a short stubby muzzle, making its face look almost...
like a gargoyles. Without warning the creature jumped out. I cringed, my time
had come. But the thing landed on Will who was right next to me.
“RUN!” He screamed as he struggled against the creature. As
me and Jason turned to run I could feel a warm liquid spraying up against my
neck and back, but I tried to ignore it. I ran behind Jason, but I could hear
it running behind us, we were almost there...
Right as I turned the corner to go down the
stairs I felt its claws rake against my side with enough force to send me
flying down the stairs, stumbling and falling. I felt ribs snap, as I landed
hard on floor level, bruised and battered from the fall. Jason had already run
back into the kitchen. Grunting I lifted my head, looking back back up the
stairs. I could see the beast coming down, head first, on all fours.
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